Texas A&M Engineering Academy at HCC
Texas A&M Engineering Academy at HCC
The Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Houston Community College-Spring Branch (HCC) is an innovative co-enrollment program that provides a pathway to students interested in pursuing an engineering degree at Texas A&M University. Students admitted to the Engineering Academy at Houston Community College-Spring Branch are Texas A&M engineering students enrolled at Texas A&M University in the College of Engineering and at Houston Community College.
- Nov. 1, 2024: HCC will begin receiving applications for prequalification. To be considered for the Academy, students must be currently enrolled or have an HCC student ID number. Students new to HCC should apply to HCC via www.applytexas.org AND submit a HCC Engineering Application for Prequalification online (found at bottom of page)
- Dec. 1, 2024: Texas A&M Engineering Academy application opens. Prequalified students will be emailed a link.
- Mid-March 2025: Admission decisions from Texas A&M will begin and continue based on a rolling basis.
- April 1, 2025: Texas A&M priority deadline. Application packets completed with Texas A&M will be given priority for review and admission decisions.
- June 15, 2025: Prequalification deadline. Any prequalification form and any requested information for prequalification must be received by 5 p.m. Central Standard Time.
- June 16, 2025: Texas A&M Engineering Academy application closes at 11:59 p.m.
- Late July 2025: Attend an all-day, mandatory orientation for incoming Academy students.
- Mid-August 2025: Classes start at both Houston Community College and Texas A&M University.
Characteristics that make a student a good candidate for the Academy:
- Student is ready for Calculus I (MATH 2413) or possibly higher. A student currently enrolled in Trigonometry (MATH 1316) or higher may apply. A student must be ready for Precalculus (MATH 2412) by the prequalification deadline.
- Student has a cumulative college GPA of 3.0 or higher. GPA will include repeat courses.
- Student with a cumulative GPA lower than 2.5 will not be prequalified.
- Student must have at least one year of cohort classes and core classes remaining to take at HCC in this cohort program.
- Student has a flexible schedule for cohort classes, which are defined as math, science, and engineering. Cohort classes are taught at the Spring Branch campus at various times.
- Student is committed to a rigorous academic schedule including at least one math, one science, and one engineering course each long semester.
- Student does not have a Bachelor’s degree or higher.
- Student is not a former Texas A&M student.
Students in the Academy who are ready to transition to College Station:
Texas A&M Engineering Academy students who wish to transition to College Station need to apply for entry-to-a-major (ETAM). Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75 in HCC coursework and also in Texas A&M coursework respectively to receive automatic admission to their first choice for engineering major. Students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 at HCC and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 at Texas A&M may go through a holistic review process.
WHY the Academy?
The Texas Workforce Commission projects that there will be a 25% growth in engineering jobs in the next seven years. In response to this anticipated growth and the increased demand for Aggie Engineers, the Texas A&M College of Engineering has created the Texas A&M-Chevron Engineering Academy at Houston Community College. The program provides talented students the opportunity to pursue their engineering degree in a co-enrollment program, between Houston Community College and Texas A&M University, supported by Chevron.
Some benefits of the Texas A&M-Chevron Engineering Academy at HCC include:
- Gain optional early entry to an engineering major at Texas A&M.
- Take engineering courses (taught by Texas A&M faculty) previously reserved only for College Station students.
- Take your math, science, and engineering courses with the same students at the Spring Branch campus and develop a community of engineering academic peers.
- Enroll in high-quality courses offered by HCC with smaller faculty-student ratios.
- Take advantage of an economical pathway to Texas A&M University.
- Gain a strong application into a degree granting major within the Texas A&M College of Engineering.
- Gain an academic advantage by participating in the program, earning Texas A&M Engineering course credits, and successfully completing all program requirements.
- Terms and Conditions
Information Sessions
Click on the links below to register for an online information session.
Apply to the Texas A&M Engineering Academy at HCC
Preferred requirements (college calculus)
Preferred requirements for prequalification are to be college calculus I ready. To meet this preferred requirement, one of the following criteria must be met:
- Score at least a 27 in MATH on the ACT
- Score at least a 620 in MATH on the SAT
- Score at least a 285 on the HCC Advanced Math Placement Exam
Minimum requirements (college precalculus)
Minimum requirements for prequalification are to be college pre-calculus ready. To meet this preferred requirement, one of the following criteria must be met:
- Score at least a 24 in MATH on the ACT
- Score at least a 580 in MATH on the SAT
- Score at least a 265 on the HCC Advanced Math Placement Exam
Transfer or current HCC students who apply to the Academy should have an overall college CGPA of a 2.50 or higher in all attempted college-level courses.
Application for Pre-qualification by HCC
Students must secure admission to HCC before submitting a prequalification form. If you are a current HCC student, please skip to “Getting Prequalified to Apply to Texas A&M University.”
- Apply for Admission to HCC at www.applytexas.org. Watch for an email from HCC with your student ID and additional information. Follow the steps in the email including sending high school and college/dual credit transcripts to HCC.
- Submit Proof of Meningitis Immunization. Students younger than 22 years old must submit a meningitis immunization record that is less than five years old from the date of enrollment.
- Apply for financial aid at www.fafsa.ed.gov. HCC’s School Code is 010422.
- Assess college readiness. To determine if testing is needed, please submit your Application for Prequalification online.
Getting Prequalified to Apply to Texas A&M University
Submit Prequalification form at https://tx.ag/AcademyPrequal.
Form will open on Nov. 1. Please monitor your email as we may ask for additional documentation for review.
Reminder: Prequalified students will need to complete a Texas A&M Engineering Academy admissions application and submit all supporting credentials. Application link will be sent to prequalified students via email. The Texas A&M Office of Admissions makes the final decision regarding admission offers.
Get in touch
Engineering Center of Excellence
2811 Hayes Road, A407
Houston, Texas 77082
Office: 713-718-5690
Engineering Advisor
Dr. Sherin Isaac
Dean of Engineering
Mehmet Argin, Ph.D.
Hours of Operation: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm