Complaint and Commendation
Complaint and Commendation
If you would like to commend an employee for his/hers performance or for whatever reason, you may ask to speak with the officer's immediate supervisor and make a verbal commendation, you may write the chief a brief letter explaining the circumstances and the actions you think merit the commendation, or you can send commendation letter via
Commendations received by the Chief of Police are forwarded to the employee with a copy placed in his or her personnel file. Although our employees do not expect to be thanked for everything they do, recognition of exceptional service is always appreciated. This kind of feedback helps us to know if we are doing a good job.
Physical commendation letter may be mailed to the Chief of Police, 3821 Caroline St, Houston TX, 77004
HCC Police Complaint Procedure
Citizens can call the Police Department at 713 - 718 - 8888, write a letter to Internal Affairs or the Chief’s Office, stop by a campus police office and talk to an officer or supervisor, or fill out a Citizen Complaint Form, available at a campus police office, and mail it in.
HCC Complaint Process Brochure [265 kbs]
HCC Police Department
General Questions: 713.718.8770