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Paid Leave Benefits

  • Semi–Monthly sick leave accrual of four (4) hours for full-time benefit eligible employees, may accumulate up to 680 hours
  • Twenty four(24) hours of sick leave may be used per fiscal year for personal business
  • Semi–Monthly catastrophic leave accrual of two (2) hours for full-time benefit eligible employees, may accumulate up to 1,000 hours
  • Semi–Monthly vacation leave accrual for full-time benefit eligible employees, starting at 3.334 hours per month based on years of service. Maximum rollover per fiscal year is two-hundred (200) hours.


HCC offers up to 27 paid holidays for full–time, benefits-eligible employees which include:

  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Break (5 days)
  • Winter Break (10 days)
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • President’s Day
  • Spring Break (5 days)
  • Spring Holiday
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day



Eligible HCC employees and their eligible dependents are offered Health coverage by the Texas Employees Group Benefits Program through the Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS).  Currently, there are two plans an employee may choose.  HealthSelect of Texas POS Plan and Consumer Directed HealthSelect High Deductible Plan.

Health Details



You and your dependents can enroll in either Dental Plans:

State of Texas Dental Choice Plan (PPO) administered by Delta Dental; or

DeltaCare USA (DHMO), administered by DeltaCare, an affiliation of Delta Dental

Dental Details



You and your eligible dependents can enroll in the State of Texas Vision

Vision Details


Optional Benefits

Dependent Term Life Insurance - Life insurance coverage available for eligible dependents which pays $5,000 in the event of your dependent’s death.

Optional Life Insurance - Optional Term Life Insurance provides insurance coverage up to four times your annual salary (maximum of $400,000).

Short Term Disability - Short-Term Disability will pay up to 66 percent of your monthly insured salary if illness or injury prevents you from working. Benefits can be paid up to five months. Eligibility for payments requires you to be certified disabled by a physician. 

Long-Term Disability – Long Term Disability will pay up to 60 percent of your monthly insured salary if illness or injury prevents you from working. Length of benefits payments depends on your age at the onset of the disability.


Dependent Term Life Details

Optional Term Life Details

Short and Long Term Disability Details



TexFlex are Flexible Spending accounts that allows employees to defer pre –tax dollars each paycheck for eligible out of pocket expenses for healthcare and/or dependent care.  The TexFlex Healthcare reimburses for eligible health, dental, vision expenses for both the employee and dependents. 

TexFlex Dependent Care reimburses for dependent care such as before and after school care, nursery, and summer day camp for eligible dependents under age 13. 

The TexFlex Limited is only available to employees that enroll in the Consumer Directed HealthSelect for medical.  This account is similar to the TexFlex Healthcare except it is limited to dental and vision expenses for the employee and dependents.  For more information contact the Benefits staff at 713-718-2255 or

TexFlex Details



 Social Security and Medicare TaxWhile Houston Community College does not participate in the federal Social Security program, employees hired after 1986 are required by law to pay the Medicare Tax of 1.45%, which is matched by the College. For more information, contact the Benefits Office or The Social Security Administration.

Eligible Full Time employees are required to participate in the State of Texas Retirement plans in lieu of Social Security.  The Teachers Retirement System of Texas (TRS) is available to all classes of eligible full time employees and the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) is available to Faculty and certain Administrators as an alternative to TRS.  Both Retirement Plans are pre-taxed and receive state contributions depending on Texas Legislature approvals.

Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans
HCC offers both 403(b) Tax Sheltered Accounts (TSA’s) and/or a 457 Deferred Compensation Plans.  The 403(b) and 457 plans are tax advantaged retirement savings plan that allows employee salary deferrals pre-taxed and funds grow tax-deferred until funds are withdrawn.


TSA Consulting