
Manufacturing and Engineering Technology


Manufacturing remains a vital part of the economy of both Houston and the U.S. More than 836,000 Texans are employed in manufacturing; the second highest number in the U.S. According to Manufacturers’ News, Inc.

HCC Corporate College partners with the business community to ensure workers are prepared for the challenges and opportunities on the manufacturing floor. As technologies continue to advance, HCC continues to evolve to ensure manufacturing professionals have the tools they need to succeed.

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Popular topics for industrial training include:

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Leadership Skills & Assessments for Manufacturing Supervisors

Leadership Skills & Assessments for Manufacturing Supervisors

HCC offers many leadership courses to help first line supervisors, team leads and managers become accomplished leaders. Supervisors will learn techniques to improve decision making, communication and coaching skills. They will learn how to handle leadership challenges including stress, change and diversity in the workplace. Participants will assess their own natural leadership style and identify areas for development and improvement. As a result, managers will be able to motivate and empower their employees to reach their highest potential.


Industrial Troubleshooting

Electrical and mechanical problems occurring in machining equipment can cause downtime which can cost the company significant revenue. Many companies have maintenance technicians in very limited supply. This HCC course can teach entry level maintenance staff and even machine operators to conduct basic level troubleshooting on industrial equipment.

The course provides hands-on training in electrical controls, instrumentation and equipment automation. Throughout a variety of well-balanced exercises the students will get exposed to industry safety, regulations (NEC) and state-of-the-art technology including Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and CNCs.



Through partnership with the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC), HCC Corporate College offers several quality improvement programs. Participants will learn how to increase productivity, streamline their work processes, and increase revenue through the implementation of Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing processes.



Corporate College offers a wide selection of OSHA training courses and educational programs to help broaden worker and employer knowledge on the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of safety and health hazards in their workplaces. Our OSHA certified trainers help businesses educate their workers and comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act.


HCC Industrial Career Foundations Program

The Career Readiness program provided by HCC Corporate College helps employers create a pipeline for new industrial assemblers. The certificate allows potential new hires to prove they have the skills needed to successfully enter and advance in a manufacturing environment. This portable credential includes the following components:

  • Print Reading for Industrial Trades
  • Industrial Math
  • Precision Tools and Measurement
  • OSHA 10hr
  • Assessments: Meyers-Briggs, Thomas-Killman
  • ACT’s National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)


MSSC Assessments & Certifications

HCC can provide instruction and testing to support Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) certifications. The Certified Production Technician (CPTAE) program is designed to recognize through certification individuals who demonstrate mastery of the core competencies of manufacturing production at the front-line (entry-level through front-line supervisor). The Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) program provides students with the foundational broad knowledge they will need to understand the world of supply chain and related core competencies.


For more information

Please complete this form or call 713-718-5304.