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An apprenticeship intermediary/provider is an organization with the capacity, expertise, and network to help businesses successfully create, launch, and expand apprenticeship programs. Intermediaries could be any of the following: Industry Associations and Business Organizations, Community and Technical Colleges, Non-Profit and Community-Based Organizations, Labor Management Partnerships, or Workforce Development Boards.
You'll work as the second leg of the Apprenticeship Program, providing education to trainees while they take the work-based component underneath a mentor at your partner business. You'll work with your partner to design a schedule and curriculum for apprentices in the program. This curriculum should cover all the skills required for successful employment, while also keeping pace with the student's progress through the employer's side of the apprenticeship.
Get Started!
Click the "GET STARTED!" link below if you are an organization interested in creating your own or joining an existing apprenticeship program.
Christina Robinson, Ed.D
Executive Director, Work-Based Learning & Industry Partnerships