HCC Board of Trustees votes to continue support of Texas Dream Act

Jan 20, 2017

At a meeting on Thursday, January 19, Houston Community College (HCC) Board of Trustees passed a resolution to continue its support of the Texas Dream Act (HB 1403, 2001).  The law provides conditions of residency which apply to undocumented students to attend colleges in Texas and be eligible to receive state funded financial aid.

“We believe the elimination or weakening of policies and statues that prevent discrimination or limit access to higher education of any group of students would compromise the welfare and safety of all students,” said Board Chair Eva Loredo. “We are absolute in our commitment to remain in compliance with all local, state and national laws.”

The resolution reaffirms HCC’s endorsement of the Texas Dream Act and the policies that flow from it.  The resolution states, “the Houston Community College Board of Trustees respectfully endorses the continuation of policies and legislation that continue to build Houston and the Great State of Texas as leaders in educational access, public safety, economic development and resolves to support HCC students and the Houston community . . . ”

Chancellor Dr. Cesar Maldonado said HCC has a diverse student population, including undocumented students.  “We participate in supporting all students, through authorized channels,” Maldonado explained.  “This resolution recognizes the importance of higher education for the public good and economic development.”

In the resolution, the Board of Trustees also reaffirmed its long standing position of not sharing any student’s private information, including immigration status, unless required to do so by law, court order or subpoena.

Board Chair Loredo emphasized HCC’s dedication to all students. “HCC is a proud community institution that works diligently to create an inclusive educational environment that benefits all students and allows them to succeed.”


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